Understanding Talent Management

by Julie Lemond

The only constant in life is change.  Change can be anxiety-producing, or it can be seen as an opportunity for growth.  We all know if we anticipate change and are ready for it, the transition goes more smoothly; if we aren’t prepared, panic often ensues.  Leadership changes can be more easily embraced if your agency has a strong but dynamic strategic plan and talent management program.

There are many resources for strategic planning available, but we had difficulty finding information about talent management that related well to nonprofit organizations.  We heard the concerns and wishes of board members and executive directors, researched the topic, and decided to create the materials ourselves.  The resulting documents, Understanding Talent Management and The Documentation Worksheet, will assist you in the development of internal talent and in recruiting and assimilating new talent.

A thorough process goes beyond succession planning—our comprehensive guide offers insightful suggestions regarding the development of success profiles for key positions, the identification of departmental and individual gaps in skills, and the evaluation of the future needs of the organization as well as an individual’s aspirations.  A plan for monitoring these dynamic facets and maintaining agency records rounds out the process.

You may find that with this open process of planning for the agency’s need for new skills and nurturing employees’ career growth, you will have less turnover and your staff may by the ones identifying new talent to meet the needs of the growing agency.  And if you are faced with a vacancy, you will know you have an opportunity on your hands, not a roadblock.

The Bottom Line: A strong talent management program can turn a difficult situation into a valuable opportunity—and we can help you navigate your way to success.

Julie LeMond is a freelance writer specializing in nonprofit management issues


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